The Non-Running Running Blogger

I'm not going to get into the many valid excuses, I mean reasons why I haven't been 1) posting or 2) running lately. Planning to do a quick run tonight after we get the kids in bed and the house turned around (Grandma and Grandpa will be over tomorrow afternoon and after several days of Mike home sick with two sick kids, the house is not pretty.)

Belated thank you to Suzanne and my most recent Mile Sponsors Isabelle & Leila for their American Cancer Society donation.

I will be back running and blogging about running soon, I promise. In the meantime, you can check out some of the blogs I like to read down on the right. But y'all come back soon now, ya hear?

Ok, gotta get back to work. Note on behalf of corporate communication/media relations departments everywhere: Please do not "create" your own press release without looping your communications team in first. Really now. Yes, I know it's not rocket science but there is something to what we do, trust me.