
Two weeks ago I put my official training schedule to paper.

Week 1, with 21 weeks to go, I ran 3 miles. Then blew the rest of the week because I was sick.

Week 2, with 20 weeks to go, I ran a pathetic 2 miles when the schedule called for 3 (was obviously still sick). Then I blew the rest of the week due to long work hours and work stress.

Here we are at beginning of week 3, with 18 weeks to go. I will be in Phoenix for a work conference. I will be up early for meetings and have work functions at night. I'm still packing my running shoes, dammit.

Revised schedule so on call for this week: 3, 4, 3, 5.


Anonymous said...

How dare your work get in the way of running!

Turns out I will be in Phoenix this week as well. Be ready for the treadmill because I am sure it will be damn hot outside!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenn - Hang in there, girl. 20 weeks is a long time, we can do it. However, considering how things are going for both of us this year, it may be you and me bringing up the rear on 10/12!!

Anonymous said...

Jenn! Where've you been?