I Joined The Club . . .

. . .the Virtual Run Club that is. Kudos to Chris for starting it; I know he and the other members - - *jen*, Jillian, Topher, jlou, Amy, EmLit and Ama - - will get on my ass if I slack off. All in the name of accountability. It's already working too. I'm scheduled to run tonight, it's getting late and I don't really feel like it but I'm feeling guilty (I'm Catholic, guilt is big with me) as slacking off on my premiere showing at the VRC would not be good.

I also joined Run Your City, a site Ryan started to unite running bloggers. Good information on the site, so check it out if you fancy . . .you can search running blogs by city, see where to run when you're in a particular city, good videos (I have to watch the one about stretching later) and a runners' book club. (First up, Dean Karnazes' UltraMarathon Man).

Just a reminder that I'm still on my quest to collect names of 262 Heroes (a cancer survivor, someone currently battling the disease or someone we've lost to cancer) to carry with me for 26.2 miles during the Chicago Marathon this year so please help me fill up my list and leave the names of the Heroes you know in the comments section.

Mike put this song on my iPod when I was training for the Marathon last year; I think I'll need to listen to it on the treadmill tonight to keep me going!

Ugh, treadmill here I come.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn, I added you to the V5K. Not too late! Welcome aboard!!