Thank You Tommy Skilling

I think the weather gods are trying to make up for the inferno that was Chicago Marathon '07. Here's the forecast for tomorrow's Half Marathon from Chicago weather god Tom Skilling:

76 57
Mainly sunny, breezy and cooler. High temperatures range from the lower-70s along the lakeshore to the upper-70s well inland. Light north-to-northeast winds.

Alarm is going off at 3:30 a.m to get ready and get downtown in corral in plenty of time for 6:30 a.m. start.

Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

Good luck!!! I hope you have your best run yet. Don't forget to HAVE FUN.

I can't wait to read your race report.

Anonymous said...

That is great weather!! And, did I hear you right?? 3:30 in the am?? Holy crap. By now, you are finished with your half. Hope all went well! Can't wait to hear how you did!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenn, I was thinking about you this morning while I was out. The weather was amazing! How'd it go?

Anonymous said...

how'd you do? how'd you do?!!!

that did sound like awesome weather!