Dreaded Realization (or Oh S#*t)

I've been debating whether or not to post this dreaded realization as it is personal in nature, but since it will impact my Marathon Day in a big way and I've already told the blogosphere that I got hit in the head with a bowling ball in high school, here goes:

Warning before you read any further: Male readers, especially co-workers, former co-workers, friends, family members, including brothers-in-law, cousins and dear God . . .my Dad, please leave and go read another blog. I recommend several blogs on the list down on the left. Mike, you can keep reading because you already know the good, bad and the ugly and still stick around. You already know this anyway.

Special Note: Male readers who have ever had the guts to stand in line (alone) to purchase feminine products for their wife or significant other have a special pass to continue reading. (Mike has done this several times over the course of the last 19 years and that is one of the many reasons he is a good husband.)

Given that last comment you probably know where this is going. Yes, that's right. If current biorhythm stays the same, I will have IT on Marathon Day. In fact, I will likely GET IT on Marathon Day. GETTING IT on Marathon Day is worse (at least for me) than simply having IT on Marathon Day. This is what I get for begging God for me not to get IT on my honeymoon 13 years ago.

Is IT what I think IT is you say? Yes, that time of the month, Eve's curse, Aunt Flow visit, Monthly Curse, whatever you prefer to call IT, all signs point to me having IT on Marathon Day. (Important: I appreciate comments, but really don't need to read comments about your favorite slang terms for IT, thank you.)

Just lovely.


Anonymous said...

Oh man! That sucks. You might try to do a very long run during that time of the month between now and then to figure out which type of...um...protection works best.

A lot can happen with your cycles between now and then. Your mileage will increase substantially, which might lengthen a cycle to get you past marathon day.

If you read my marathon race report, you know that I am not shy about reporting TMI. I didn't mention, however, that my monthly visitor hit me the night after the marathon. Sigh...

Anonymous said...

Okay, that totally sucks and now I have to go figure out what point I will be at in my cycle by the time my marathon arrives!

Anonymous said...

Hola! I was raised on the NW side of Chicago, so I'm a Cubs fan by default. I'm WAY more of a Bears fan than anything else. But, I did watch the Sox during the World Series and was happy they won.
Back to your post...not sure if you're on any sort of pregnancy prevention, but if it happens to be the Pill, you can take it back to back, and not get IT at all. The good news is that at least you figured it out now and not the day before the marathon!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't get IT. What the hell are you talking about? :)

Anonymous said...

Too funny!! I have already thought about my race and it isn't until February. And it looks as if we are right in sync. The things we women have to deal with!! Well, you could just go ahead and plan a pregnancy...

Anonymous said...

Lisa - - Good advice. I did go back and read your marathon report. Great story!

Jill - - I hope you have better luck than me.

Karin - - Actually thought about going on the Pill for the sole purpose of managing when I get IT but then my husband reminded me that I can't take it b/c I always had high blood pressure when taking it so probably best not to mess with that during the Marathon.

Chris - - I sincerely hope you qualify for the special pass to read the whole post.

RazZ - - Very funny. Take note: Women don't find comments like that as funny as you think they would when they have IT.

Tamara - - Pregnancy? Nah, my husband wouldn't be up for that.

Anonymous said...

Not sure how helpful this will be but I have a coworker who was supposed to have IT during a cruise she was going on. She went to her doctor and the doc gave her a few pills and they held IT off until the cruise was over. Might be worth asking your doctor about. My friend has high blood pressure too and it wasn't an issue. The joys of being female, huh?

Anonymous said...

I know this is completely a personal choice, but if you took the Pill, you could force IT to not happen that week. (Not that I have thought about doing that, of course not...oh yeah, you can BET your life on it, I'm doing that.)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm a little worried about that, too. Mine has been a little irregular so I'm not sure where it will fall. Out of all the running books I've read....not one of them has addressed this issue with any real help. I can't imagine messin' with all that during my marathon.

Anonymous said...

You know, it could be worse. I read a story once about this woman who was running a race not too long after she'd given birth. Childbirth, of course, stretches things out and you can't always control your bladder seepage, so she was wearing heavy pads. With all that seepage, it started getting slippery, and then BAM - the pad slipped out of her undies and shorts and hit the ground.

So...you know, if your pad ever pops out, then you will have reached the depths of hell. =D

Anonymous said...

Jodes, Terri - - Thanks for the advice. I won't bore you with the details, but Pill isn't an answer for me (I'm not opposed to it,health reasons) so I will just have to deal I think.

Karen - - Good luck, hope you don't have to deal with it.

Kai - - Let's hope you didn't jinx me, that would be worse!