Not Much To Report . . .

. . . Other than I ran a sucky run yesterday. Planned to run three and barely made it through two. Not a run that produces a confident Marathon runner.

Been using the oh so sexy Strassburg Sock for my plantar fasciitis (I still don't know if I'm spelling that right; too lazy right now to google it) and think I might have to spring for another one because the arch in my left foot is bothering me now too. I have a doctor appointment on July 14.

Still debating if I'm going to hop on the treadmill tonight or not. Scheduled for 7 miles tomorrow.

On a separate note, Mike and I took the kids to the zoo for a couple hours when he got home from work. I used the Nike + just because I was curious to see how far we'd walk. Guesses?


Anonymous said...

My guess is 3 miles.

So does the foot hurt when you run or only when you are at rest. I don't know much about PF (and I am too lazy to google it), but can more running further effect (or affect--i never learned that rule) your foot?

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris -- Only hurts in the a.m., gets better throughout the day. Not sure if running affects it, going to guess yes, but I've taken it easy (prob too easy) this week.

Anonymous said...

PF is usually worse in the morning, but your sexy sock is supposed to help. So is stretching and icing the bottom of your foot.
Okay, for the zoo, lets say you walked 5 miles??

Anonymous said...

Jenn,Great your not spelling foot issue correct. I am the spelling whiz (ha ha) I had those on my feet and got corizone shots back to normal in two weeks!Yes the foot Pain is worse getting out of bed sometimes I fell down it was so bad! Shots will help!
Take Care you,
Love Sis

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna go with 4 miles at the zoo. I once recorded 9 miles at Walt Disney World on my Garmin.

Well, okay I've actually recorded 27 miles on my Garmin at WDW but I was participating in a marathon that day. I recorded the 9 miles while "relaxing" with the family.

Anonymous said...

hmmm... I know at our zoo, I could easily walk 5 miles. I'll say 4.5.

I hope your feet start feeling better.

Anonymous said...

You guys are too generous . . . we walked 1.69 miles at a 33 minute per mile pace. Stop, wait in line, move a little, stop, look at the bears, move a little . . .

We would have walked more but only there for a couple of hours.